Reduced speed limits at Ulladulla and Bawley Point


Motorists will soon experience safer journeys at Ulladulla and Bawley Point, with three speed zones set to be reduced next week.

The speed limit on Kings Point Drive at Ulladulla will drop from 80 km/h to 60 km/h for a 400 metre stretch from just west of the Princes Highway.

The speed limit on the Princes Highway also will drop from 70 km/h to 60 km/h for a 440 metre stretch from 180 metres north of Kings Point Drive to 260 metres south of Kings Point Drive.

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said a speed zone review was initiated on Kings Point Drive in response to a request from the community to improve road user safety.

“The review found a 60 km/h speed zone was appropriate for the road environment on Kings Point Road, which includes holiday park access, a local road intersection, significant bend in the road and a shared path crossing,” the spokesperson said.

“To apply consistency with the surrounding speed zones on both the highway and Kings Point Drive it was also recommended the 60 km/h speed limit be extended on the Princes Highway.”

The speed limit along Murramarang Road at Bawley Point will drop from 80 km/h to 60 km/h from 175 metres south of Wandellyer Close to 210 metres north of O’Brien Street.

“The review of this speed zone was initiated in response to a request from the community to improve the safety of road users,” the spokesperson said.

“The review found a 60 km/h speed limit is appropriate for the 3.3-kilometre stretch of Murramarang Road which has a high number of reported roadside hazards and animal strikes.

“Speeding is the biggest contributor to road trauma in NSW so it’s important that motorists are aware of the changed speed limit and follow the road rules.

“In NSW, speeding contributes to 41 per cent of road fatalities and 24 per cent of serious injuries from road crashes each year.

“Speeding increases both the risk of a crash happening, as well as the likelihood of death or serious injury.

“Going just 5 km/h over the speed limit in a 60 km/h zone, on average, doubles your crash risk.”

Work to install the new speed limits will take place from Sunday 12 May, weather permitting.

Message boards will be onsite one week before and one week following the speed zone reduction, to notify motorists of the changed speed limit