AMB responsibilities and functions

AMB's key functions

Network Standards

Network engineering standards govern the way transport assets are designed, built, maintained and operated with safety and integrity over the whole life of the asset.

The AMB has responsibilities for the network engineering standards governing all NSW transport assets, including development, maintenance and publication, and is also responsible for the application of the concessions process.

Authorisation of Technically Assured Organisations

The AMB is responsible for assessing and authorising organisations to become Technically Assured Organisations (TAO), as well as the associated surveillance audit functions once TAO authorisation has been granted.

This process allows TAOs to provide engineering services within a defined scope linked to the stages of the asset life cycle including design, build, commissioning, maintaining, operation and decommissioning.

Asset Planning

All assets require maintenance to ensure long term integrity and safety. The AMB will contribute to the high level planning for NSW transport assets through the asset life cycle by providing an asset planning framework.


The AMB has responsibilities relating to the audit of NSW transport assets and TAOs to ensure safety, performance and reliability.

Asset performance and reporting

Reporting on the performance of assets through their life cycle is an important function. The AMB will set the requirements for operator and maintainer TAOs to report on the condition and performance of assets under their control. The AMB will also use these reports in providing advice to Transport for NSW.

Safety and quality assurance


Effective safety management is necessary to support all engineering activities. The AMB will develop a process for TAOs to ensure that safety is integrated into all their activities. The AMB will contribute to the integration of safety into standards as well as participate in the development of documentation and provide advice to Transport for NSW.

Technical capability


The role of the AMB is to collaborate with industry to improve the engineering capacity of organisations to deliver engineering services that meet the needs of Transport for NSW. This includes working with organisations looking to become authorised as TAOs and providing guidance on competency systems, as well as working with industry to develop a framework to collaborate and share knowledge. The AMB will also work with industry to determine future trends in transport and the corresponding capabilities required.