Arlington Street, Croydon Road and Parramatta Road


Project overview

The NSW Government's Bus Priority Infrastructure Program is improving the reliability and efficiency of bus services, while easing congestion for all road users.

Latest news

Dec 2020 - Completion of work

In December 2020 work at the intersection of Parramatta Road, Arlington Street and Croydon Road, Five Dock and Croydon was completed.

Transport for NSW (Transport) would like to thank everyone who gave us feedback on the proposed Arlington Street, Croydon Road and Parramatta Road intersection improvements in November and December 2019 (these can be viewed in the community updates section on this page).

Project information


In late 2019 Transport informed the community about our proposed Arlington Street, Five Dock and Croydon Road, Croydon at Parramatta Road intersection improvements.

The intersection improvements reduce delays for bus customers and motorists as part of the NSW Government’s Bus Priority Infrastructure Program. The program is linked to the NSW Government's roadmap to deliver the state’s future transport network, the Future Transport Strategy 2056.

This project was completed in December 2020.

Consultation findings

We received 25 responses in 2019, via email, telephone and our doorknock of local addresses.

Key comments raised in the consultation included those about:

  • Support for the proposal
  • Proposed bus stop at the corner of Dalmar Street and Croydon Road
  • Proposed right turn lanes
  • Future operation of the intersection
  • Bus stop changes on Croydon Road.

The feedback received from the November 2019 and April 2020 consultation periods and our responses are detailed in an engagement report. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback.

View or download the engagement report (PDF, 2.88Mb).

Revised proposal benefits

Following further detailed analysis we made some changes to the original proposal. The main reasons for these changes, which are listed in the following table, are to maintain the safety and efficiency of the intersection and to improve traffic flow on Croydon Road.

The main benefits of the revised proposal include:

  • Improved lane use by extending the lane line marking further along Croydon Road, allowing buses to enter a lane well before the intersection with Parramatta Road
  • Improved turning paths for all vehicles joining Parramatta Road from Croydon Road and Arlington Street
  • A more efficient approach to Parramatta Road along Croydon Road with parking restrictions (No Stopping) on weekdays from 6am to 6pm
  • Clearer line marking on Croydon Road to help vehicles stop before the pedestrian crossing at Parramatta Road.

Revised proposal

Original proposalChange to the proposal (and reason)
Bus stop changes on Croydon Road.No change to original proposal.

Upgrades at the intersection to create more space for buses and other vehicles, while improving
safety and efficiency:

  • remove the traffic island on Parramatta Road, on the western side of the intersection
  • trim the median on Parramatta Road, on the eastern side of the intersection.
No change to original proposal.
Dedicated right turn lanes and right turn traffic signal arrows from Arlington Street and Croydon
Road into Parramatta Road.
Keep the existing traffic signal phasing and lane configuration by not line marking dedicated right turn lanes or providing right turn traffic signal arrows at the signalised intersection. This is due to space restrictions and to maintain safety and the overall efficiency of the intersection. Changes are no longer proposed on Arlington Street.
No changes to parking between Sophia Lane and Dalmar Street.Change the existing am and pm peak timed parking along the western side of Croydon Road between Sophia Lane and Dalmar
Street. This is to be replaced with No Stopping between 6am and 6pm Monday to Friday to improve traffic flow on the approach to the intersection.
No improvements to the pedestrian crossing on Croydon Road.Resurface Croydon Road for 10 metres from Parramatta Road with a wider pedestrian crossing. This will also make the vehicle stop
line clearer and assist in making sure vehicles do not cross this line, making it easier for buses to turn left from Parramatta Road into Croydon Road.
No line marking changes further down Croydon Road.Extending the existing lane marking on Croydon Road (northbound) as far as the speed hump at Dalmar Street, to provide a clearer and more efficient approach to the intersection with Parramatta Road.

Map 1

Map 2


Project documents

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Community updates

  • October 2020 community update

    Intersection improvements Parramatta Road at Arlington Street, Five Dock and Croydon Road, Croydon start of work.

  • July 2020 engagement report
    Engagement report for Arlington Street, Five Dock and Croydon Road, Croydon at Parramatta Road intersection improvements.

  • April 2020 community update

    Revised proposal for Arlington Street, Five Dock and Croydon Road, Croydon at Parramatta Road intersection improvements.

  • November 2019 community update

    Arlington Street, Five Dock and Croydon Road, Croydon at Parramatta Road intersection improvements.

Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:


Phone: 1800 575 250

Mail: Bus Priority, PO Box 973, Parramatta NSW 2124.