Junction Bridge Upgrade


Project overview

The NSW Government is funding refurbishment of Junction Bridge at Upper Rouchel, to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the bridge.

Latest news

April 2024 – Project update

Transport for NSW completed work on the timber components of the bridge including the deck and abutments and sealing of the bridge deck in late 2023.

We expect to start bridge repainting in mid-2024.

We will update the community once our work schedule has been confirmed.

August 2023 - Work continuing on Junction Bridge

Transport for NSW will carry out the work, which involves replacing timber components of the bridge including the deck and abutments, repainting and sealing of the bridge deck and a temporary upgrade of the side access road for a minor traffic detour.

Work will be carried out between 6.30am to 5pm from Monday to Wednesday and 6.30am to 3pm on Thursdays. No work will be carried out from Friday to Sunday. Bridge closures will be in place during working hours from Monday to Thursday and will be re-opened to the public (within load limits of 12 tonne) from Friday to Sunday. Work is expected to be completed by late October 2023, weather permitting.

During the closure of Junction Bridge, all vehicles will be able to travel across the side access road, including vehicles greater than 12 tonne.

Project information


Junction Bridge, which was opened in 1930, is a Dare truss structure located at Upper Rouchel. The bridge crosses Rouchel Brook and is one of six operable Dare truss bridges in NSW.

In 2019, following stakeholder and community consultation, Transport for NSW finalised a strategy for the sustainable conservation of heritage timber truss bridges where it was proposed 26 of those timber truss bridges would be retained, including Junction Bridge. It was proposed that Junction Bridge be listed on the state heritage register in accordance with the “Review of Bridges to be Retained under the Timber Truss Bridge Strategy Discussion Paper (2019)”.

Transport for NSW took over management of Junction Bridge in 2020 to restore the structure.

Restoring the bridge

To improve Junction Bridge’s longevity and reduce future maintenance costs, Transport for NSW is upgrading the structure.

Throughout the planning process to restore the bridge, Transport for NSW has been sympathetic to the proposed rehabilitation works to ensure the bridge’s heritage features were retained.

Project documents

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Community notifications

Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:

Phone: (02) 9983 2843 (business hours – Project Manager, Ken Malibiran)

Email: ken.malibiran@transport.nsw.gov.au.