Northern draft corridor strategies


Project overview

Corridor strategies set out the NSW Government’s 20 year plan to manage and guide the development of various road corridors to improve safety, traffic efficiency and sustainability.

Project information


Roads and Maritime Services, in collaboration with Transport for NSW, is preparing corridor strategies for each state road to address transport needs of the corridor.

The draft strategies set out the objectives, current performance and issues in managing the corridor over the long term. They each detail a series of safety, asset and traffic solutions to meet the current and future challenges along the road.

The corridor strategies have been prepared by a multidisciplinary project team from Transport for NSW and Roads and Maritime with expertise in road safety, traffic, asset management, land use, environment, planning and development.

For more information on network and corridor strategies, please visit the Transport NSW road network corridor planning page.


The objective of this project is to identify:

  • Objectives specific to each corridor that support the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan, Regional Transport Plans and other State plans
  • The sources of transport demand along the road corridor
  • The performance of the road in meeting specific targets, standards and objectives. Measures include road safety, traffic and travel, road design and geometry and road pavement condition
  • How future transport demands that are likely to be placed on the road over the next 20 years can be managed and what road corridor improvements are therefore likely to be needed
  • Current and future challenges in meeting the objectives for the corridor and short, medium and long term priorities and actions to address these challenges on the road.

Project documents

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Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:

Phone: 1800 684 490 
