Spencers Cutting improvements


Project overview

Roads and Maritime Services has upgraded the Oxley Highway at Spencers Cutting, about six kilometres east of Wauchope.

Latest news

Jun 2019 - Project announcement

The project was completed and opened to traffic in June 2019.

Project information


The need to improve this section of road was identified in the draft Oxley Highway Corridor Strategy (PDF, 14.47 MB). The current highway has poor alignment, narrow pavements, inconsistent edge lines and inadequate clear zones with few opportunities to overtake.

The project involved:

  • building an eastbound overtaking lane between Spencers Cutting and to the west of Rawdon Island Road
  • realigning the intersection with Rawdon Island Road, and
  • widening the highway to accommodate 3.5-metre lanes and two-metre shoulders.

Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

A Review of Environmental Factors to determine the environmental impact of the improvements on the Oxley Highway at Spencers Cutting was displayed during September and October 2017.

After considering all submissions, minor changes were made and the project was determined to proceed. The submission report is available for viewing.

Project documents

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Project notifications

Project updates


REF documents

Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:

Email: grafton.regional.office@transport.nsw.gov.au