Part 1: Introduction

About this Plan

The NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023 (the Plan) is a supporting plan to Transport for NSW’s (TfNSW) Future Transport and aligns with other key NSW Government plans, including the State Infrastructure Strategy, NSW Regional Plans and Greater Sydney Commission District Plans.

The Plan identifies key issues that NSW Government agencies, the Australian Government and local councils need to consider and incorporate into land use and infrastructure planning.

The directions and actions recommended by the Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities have been considered in the development of this Plan. The NSW Government is working closely with the Australian Government and other jurisdictions in the development of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.

Building on the 2013 Freight and Ports Strategy

The Plan builds on the successes of the 2013 NSW Freight and Ports Strategy, which was the first strategy of its kind for NSW.

The 2013 Strategy set key objectives and initiatives and established the direction of freight planning in NSW. Achievements from this strategy include:

  • improved efficiency of NSW Ports by implementing long-term leases to enable critical freight infrastructure to be operated on a more commercial basis and to recycle capital for freight network improvements
  • increased road and rail productivity by implementing major road and rail freight access improvement programs and heavy vehicle mass concession schemes
  • increased rail mode share of containers and reduced truck turn-around times at Port Botany as a result of establishing the Cargo Movement Coordination Centre (CMCC)
  • reduced freight impacts on the community and protecting key parts of the network by implementing the Freight Noise Attenuation Program
  • reduced journey times, improved reliability and safety for road freight by implementing upgrades and improvements to key freight routes across NSW including the Pacific, Newell and Great Western Highways.

How this report is structured

Part 2: Context: The state of freight

This chapter provides an overview of the State’s freight movements and network, outlining the challenges and opportunities statewide, in Greater Sydney and in regional NSW. 

Part 3: How we will respond to the challenges and opportunities

This chapter outlines goals, actions and performance targets for meeting each of the Plan’s five objectives.

Part 4: Implementation plan

This chapter outlines the timeframes for delivering actions presented in Part 3.

How consultation informed the Plan

Transport for NSW consulted widely with industry, local government and other stakeholders to support the development of the Plan from mid-2017 to early 2018. For more information see the Appendix.