Live Traffic NSW and the OneRoad Program

Lead: Transport for NSW 

Live Traffic NSW is a NSW Government website with a well-established reputation for reliable, actionable, real-time information about disruptions to state roads. Live Traffic NSW was identified as the best place to communicate all disruption information about roads in NSW. It is understood that people do not differentiate between council, local, regional or state roads. 

OneRoad was developed to communicate disruption information, for all roads. OneRoad is a new cloud-based solution creating one central hub for publishing information to Live Traffic NSW. It’s the system that enables real-time information on traffic conditions, incidents, and major events to be shared across state and local council roads and with third–party navigation systems through one central hub, making critical information available for all NSW road users.

Every NSW council is being invited to use Live Traffic NSW. With over 100 LGAs already onboarded, our vision of one source of disruption information on NSW roads, is becoming a reality.