Urban Freight Forecasting Model

The Urban Freight Forecasting Model (UFFM) is an interactive web model to support the forecasting of urban freight activity generated by buildings and developments. 

You can use the model to test various scenarios to understand the freight requirements for a building. This can improve loading dock provision and enable better decision making for planners and developers.  

Benefits and outcomes

The UFFM is assisting planners and developers to achieve better freight and servicing outcomes in our cities through:

  • An improved understanding of what the freight and servicing tasks of large urban buildings look like 
  • Planners in NSW urban areas are better equipped to challenge developers on the provision of loading dock facilities
  • Developers are using the model based on a modern empirical data source to make better provisions and plans
  • There is a “meeting of minds” between planners and developers over a common forecast of freight activity that is accelerating planning processes.

With an emphasis on providing insights and useability, the UFFM provides detailed freight and servicing vehicle information including:

  • The number and mix of dock spaces required by a development
  • Total number of vehicles likely to arrive by hour of the day
  • The small, medium, large mix of vehicles, their purpose and expected dwell time
  • “What if” testing of different loading dock space provisions
  • Reports on the performance of the proposed loading dock.

Demonstration video

Check out this one minute demo of the UFFM below.