Creating Public Spaces Promoting Health and Wellbeing with SITE ACTIVATE


SITE ACTIVATE is a guide for communities to utilise and repurpose non-operational rail infrastructure located in NSW for arts and cultural engagement through placemaking.

The Transport for NSW Regional Community Infrastructure (RCI) program was created to assess opportunities to repurpose underutilised or redundant TfNSW land and assets. Creating a collaborative approach, working with local communities, Councils and relevant agencies. Identifying, assessing and scoping potential community projects and matching with suitable funding sources. A major initiative of this program is the SITE ACTIVATE project.

TfNSW engaged Arts and Cultural Organisation, The CORRIDOR Project, for professional curatorial and production services to produce and promote the pilot SITE ACTIVATE website and initiative. Communities will be able to tell their stories and plan events through a framework based on best practice, supported through resources whilst delivering local tourism opportunities, social cohesion and wellbeing.