Future planning to improve Horsley Drive


As part of NSW Government Funded Urban Road Congestion Program (URCP), the first steps have been taken to develop a design and plan for the improvement to The Horsley Drive at Polding Street, Fairfield.

The proposed improvements are intended to reduce travel times and improve road safety. 

The proposal at The Horsley Drive and Polding Street will consider an additional right turn lane on Polding Street western approach, along with an additional right turn lane on The Horsley Drive southern approach.

The proposal also includes a left turn slip lane on Polding Street North with larger corner island, a left turn slip lane on Polding Street, a southern pedestrian crossing at the traffic signals and roadwork improvements on The Horsley Drive and Polding Street.

The footpaths and verges along The Horsley Drive and Polding Street will also be upgraded, along with minor improvements on Douglas Street, at The Horsley Drive, and the adjustment and relocation of the existing overhead and underground utility services.

Further information about the project is available on the TfNSW (Transport for NSW) website https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/polding-and-nelson-street-fairfield.