North Sydney community shapes Tree Replacement Strategy


Transport for NSW (Transport) has released the updated Tree Replacement Strategy for the Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade projects following community feedback.

A Transport spokesperson said after considering more than 100 public submissions, there was strong support for increased tree canopy quality and coverage, and the 2:1 tree replacement planning requirement for the projects.

“We thank the community for their submissions, which helped refine Transport’s Tree Replacement Strategy, including having a say on locations for replacement trees, tree types, tree sizes, and native species,” the spokesperson said.

“We will progressively be replanting native trees throughout the life of the project in locations that improve local amenity, provide shade and visual screening, and are a source of food to attract native fauna.

“We recognise the value the North Sydney community places on its natural landscapes, heritage features and open space. 

“Transport worked through a rigorous and comprehensive process to ensure all options were investigated to avoid or reduce impacts to existing trees.

“As we implement the Tree Replacement Strategy we will continue to work with the local community, stakeholders and North Sydney Council to determine the best outcomes for replacement tree species, sizes and locations. 

“We again thank the community for their input and will keep locals informed as the project continues.”

A Place, Design and Landscape Plan (PDLP) for the Warringah Freeway Upgrade has also been recently released for community feedback. 

A similar plan for the Western Harbour Tunnel will follow later in the project. The PDLPs will also be guided by the community feedback received on the Tree Replacement Strategy.

Transport will consult with the community and local Councils on these plans, which will include more detail on replacement tree locations, sizes and species.

To view the updated Tree Replacement Strategy for the Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade projects visit: Trees | Warringah Freeway Upgrade | Transport for NSW (RMS)