Submissions report on Central Coast Highway available

Motorists using the Central Coast Highway are a step closer to faster and safer journeys with the release today of a report detailing responses to community feedback on an intersection upgrade at Tumbi Road.

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the Australian and NSW governments had committed $64 million to fast-track work on the intersection upgrade.

“The NSW Government made an election commitment of $387 million to widen the Central Coast Highway to two lanes in each direction between Wamberal and Bateau Bay to improve traffic flow and safety,” the spokesperson said. 

“The release of this report is a critical step forward in upgrading the most congested part of the Central Coast Highway, improving traffic flow and safety at this busy intersection.

“Late last year we invited the community to comment on the concept design and environmental assessment, which identified potential impacts of the proposed Tumbi Road intersection upgrade and activities to reduce them.

“We received 35 submissions, with the main comments relating to shared paths and footpaths, and U-turn capabilities for motorists travelling on the Central Coast Highway. There were also a number of road design suggestions for consideration.”

The spokesperson said the intersection upgrade would replace the existing roundabout with traffic lights and widen the Central Coast Highway north of the intersection to two lanes in each direction. 

“It will improve public transport amenities and access, as well providing better walking and cycling connections with new and upgraded footpaths and shared paths,” the spokesperson said.

"This upgrade will boost economic growth and productivity in the region by cutting queuing and reducing delays at the intersection, resulting in better traffic flow.”

The submissions report summarises the community’s comments, the responses from Transport for NSW and details of the decision. It can be viewed at 

Subject to funding approval, construction is expected to start in 2023 and take about two years to complete.  

Transport for NSW will keep the community updated as work progresses.