Traffic changes to help ease congestion through Albion Park


Motorists travelling through Albion Park will soon notice a number of traffic changes to help ease congestion through the area.

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said, Transport and Shellharbour City Council had begun work on short-term work which include traffic light changes, signs, intersection improvements and continued planning for the Tripoli Way extension.

“We know motorists have experienced congestion and delays during peak periods on the Illawarra Highway (Tongarra Road) through Albion Park and we have worked with Council to provide immediate improvements for the short-term,” the spokesperson said.

“We listened to feedback from the community and these improvements have already begun to roll out.”

Bus zones and two-hour parking on Tongarra Road westbound were extended past the Showground Access Driveway.

'Do not queue' signs have recently been installed at the Tongarra Road and Russell Street intersection.

In August 2022, the coordination of the five traffic lights on Tongarra Road from Calderwood Road to the Tongarra Road and M1 interchange was changed to allow all five signals to be green simultaneously to assist with traffic flow through the CBD.

Keep Clear signs and road markings we be installed at Stapleton Avenue to improve access and a trial of timed No Parking restrictions on Tongarra Road westbound will begin at the eastern end of the Albion Park Town Centre to ease congestion.

A left slip lane from Tongarra Road westbound into Terry Street is also being developed, with construction funding and timing of work yet to be confirmed.

In addition to these short-term improvements Shellharbour City Council is planning the delivery of the Tripoli Way Extension project, with major work expected to begin in 2025/26.