Contract ID: 9906TPM902

Contract ID


Contract Type

Goods and Services - ICT

Contract Name

TPMON Software Licence, Maintenance, Development and Consultancy Agreement

Contract Description

Software Licence and Maintenance Agreement for specialised Transaction Processing software.

Contract Commencement Date

01 Oct 1996

Period of Contract

9999 Years

Successful Tenderer

Zabgood Pty Ltd

Cross Ownership Details


Amount of Tender
Cost Adjustment Provision (contract clause)

$ 140,000.0 pa Up to $2m since 1996


*Period of contract: Annual Licence


Disclosure of Information Class 2


a) Particulars of any related body corporate (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth) in respect of the contractor, or any other private sector entity in which the contractor has an interest, that will be involved in carrying out any of the contractor's obligations under the contract or will receive a benefit under the contract


b) A description of any provisions under which the amounts payable to contactor may be varied

The Agreement allows for consultancy engagement at time and material rates if required.

c) A description of any provisions with respect to the renegotiation of the contract


d) In the case of a contract arising from a tendering process, the method of tendering and a summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed


e) A description of any provisions under which it is agreed that the contractor is to receive payment for providing operational or maintenance services


f) Particulars of future transfers of significant assets to State or contractor at zero, or nominal, cost to the State, including the date of their proposed transfer


g) Particulars of future transfer of significant assets to the contractor, including the data of their proposed transefer


h) The results of any cost-benefit analysis of the contract conducted by the agency


i) The components and quantum of the public sector comparator if used


j) Where relevant, a summary of information used in the contractor's full base case financial model (for example, the pricing formula for tolls or usage charges)


k) Where relevant, particulars of how risk, during the construction and operational phases of a contract to undertake a specific project (such as construction, infrastructure of property development), is to be apportioned between the parties, quantified (where practicable) in net present-value terms and specifying the major assumptions involved


l) Particulars as to any significant guarantees or undertakings between the parties, including any guarantees or undertakings with respect to loan agreements entered into or proposed to be entered into


m) Particulars of any other key elements of the contract



Significant Evaluation Criteria
(list below)

Weightings %
(list below)

(A) Non Price


Direct Negotiation


(B) Price


* Price has not been included in weightings. Following determination of non-price score the tendered price and these scores are considered, then the tender assessed as offering the best value for money to Roads and Maritime Services is recommended for acceptance