Railway crossing safety series

The 'Railway crossing safety series 2011' assists in the provision of the knowledge, skills and procedures to become a part of the move towards a cleaner, safer, less congested and more efficient road network, and to make a genuine contribution to the wellbeing of people living and working in NSW.

The purpose of the Railway crossing safety series 2011

The Railway crossing safety series 2011 equips RTA planners with the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively manage safety at railway crossings.

The series not only outlines the procedural aspects of railway crossing safety management, but explains this procedure in the context of the RTA’s legislative obligations and the organisation’s own safety objectives.

This includes the introduction of a new, more collaborative approach between the RTA and other stakeholders in the management of safety at railway crossings.

The series also provides planners with explanations of some of the theoretical aspects that underpin the RTA’s approach to railway crossing safety management, such as the notion of risk tolerance and the use of the cause consequence bow tie model.

The Railway crossing safety series 2011 provides a framework for planning for safety at railway crossings, and provides guidance on integrating road safety into the asset lifecycle management of railway crossings.

Who should use the railway crossing safety series 2011?

The Railway crossing safety series 2011 is for use by all RTA planners involved with railway crossings and from a broad spectrum of RTA disciplines, including development, road safety, traffic management, road design, asset maintenance, and incident management planners.

The Railway crossing safety series 2011 is also applicable to planners in other roads authorities who are involved with railway crossings.

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Railway crossing safety series documents