Traffic facilities

Traffic facilities are maintained to a level that ensures safety, optimises the free flow of traffic, satisfies community and economic needs and minimises long-term costs.

Traffic facilities and their functions include:

  • Traffic signals: To regulate traffic at intersections
  • Guide posts and reflectors: To provide clear delineation of the road formation on rural roads or road carriageways on urban roads or freeways
  • Road markings: To provide clear delineation of the road carriageway and lanes
  • Advisory / warning signs: To warn or alert motorists of road conditions
  • Regulatory signs: To support the enforceability of road traffic regulations
  • Information / guide signs: To provide clear information to motorists on travel destinations in day and night conditions thereby assisting in the efficient operation of the road network
  • Safety barriers: To provide required structural resistance to errant vehicles to minimise accident severity.