Assessing air quality impacts from surface roads

The Roadside Air Quality Screening Tool (RAQST) helps to assess air quality impacts from surface roads using a simple, screening model. 

RAQST reflects recent model developments in NSW and other jurisdictions. It is also designed to be consistent with the requirements of the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ) Good Practice Guide for the Assessment and Management of Air Pollution from Road Transport Projects (CASANZ Guide).  RAQST is the model used in NSW for screening assessments as specified in the CASANZ Guide.

RAQST has been developed in Microsoft Excel for Office 365 (version 2202, 32-bit), and uses macros in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to perform the calculations. A manual is provided that explains how to use RAQST, and the assumptions behind it.

The Roadside Air Quality Screening Tool (RAQST) replaces the Tool for Roadside Air Quality (TRAQ)

Transition from TRAQ to RAQST:

  • RAQST is the model required for air quality screening level assessments from 1 February 2024.
  • RAQST or TRAQ will be accepted for screening assessments prior to 1 February 2024.


RAQST has been designed only for the first-pass screening of air quality impacts in connection with road projects when preparing an environmental impact assessment for or on behalf of Transport for NSW. RAQST does not provide accurate air quality assessments but rather uses worst-case scenarios to determine whether or not more detailed assessment is required. RAQST is not suitable for other purposes and Users rely on TRAQ for other purposes at their own risk.

Acknowledgements and Third Party Licence Terms

RAQST was created for Transport for NSW in 2022 by EMM Consulting Pty Ltd.

RAQST incorporates fuel-specific emission factors for CO2-e from the (then) Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER 2021) which is reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution Licence (3.0 Australia).

RAQST also incorporates air quality data by permission from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

User Agreement

By downloading the RAQST files you agree that you have read and agree with the Disclaimer and Third Party Licence Terms.

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