Environmental monitoring - The Old Northern Road to Peter Brock Drive - The Northern Road upgrade


Project overview

The Australian and NSW governments have upgraded The Northern Road as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP), a $4.1 billion road investment program.

The Protection of the Environment Operation Act 1997 requires holders of environment protection licences (EPLs) to make pollution monitoring data required by the EPL publicly available.

Roads and Maritime holds EPL No 20561 for the road construction on The Northern Road. Condition M2 of the EPL requires Roads and Maritime to monitor the concentration of total suspended solids, pH and visible oil and grease in waters discharged from sediment basins on the premises. The full licence, EPL 20561 can be viewed on the EPA website.

The Old Northern Road to Peter Brock Drive

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Environmental monitoring reports


Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:

Phone: 1800 703 547

Email: wsip@transport.nsw.gov.au