Barton Highway Improvement Strategy


Project overview

The Barton Highway Improvement Strategy guides the development of this NSW road corridor for increased capacity, safety and reliability.

Key benefits

  • Improves safety, reliability and efficiency for all road users
  • Supports regional development through increased access
  • Builds combined capacity for freight movement, commuters and tourists

The Australian and NSW Governments jointly fund the Barton Highway Improvement Strategy. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and Roads and Maritime (RM) developed the final strategy as part of the Road Network and Corridor Planning program, with the help of community feedback:

For more information, visit the Roads and Maritime Barton Highway Improvement Strategy page.

Project status: 

The short-term priorities for the Barton Highway Improvement Strategy are:

Real time travel information

We will help customers make travel decisions at key locations along the highway using Intelligent Transport Systems.

These include variable message signs, closed circuit television cameras and real time traffic monitoring. 

Road safety campaigns

Aimed at changing road user behaviours, these will focus on crash types and high risk areas.

Campaigns could include targeted cross border media campaigns, enhanced police presence, targeted operations, and a variable message sign (VMS) education messaging strategy. 

Road safety upgrades

Works will include intersection improvements, upgrades to signs, line, road and raised markings.

We will improve safety and access for all road users (particularly in the section closer to the ACT border) by widening lanes and road shoulders, and removing hazards from clear zones. 

Murrumbateman village safety

We will look how to improve safety for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders crossing the corridor at Murrumbateman village. 

Increased road corridor capacity

The curves between Vallencia Drive and Gooda Creek Road will be upgraded at the north end of Section 4.

The works will use the reserved duplication corridor to provide a new two-lane road (one lane in each direction), which will eventually form part of a dual carriageway (two lanes in each direction). 

As part of the highway duplication works, one new overtaking lane will run south bound between Nanima Road and Spring Range Road and the second (north bound) will either run between Spring Range Road and the ACT border, or between Mundays Lane and Kaveneys Road. 

Strategic business case

This will review the strategic concept design and timing, as well as how the stages of work will be implemented.

Corridor performance monitoring

Assessments will be made every three years, looking at future works and checking timelines against emerging priorities.