Talavera Road Bus Layover


Project overview

The Australian and NSW Governments are proposing to construct a bus layover in Macquarie Park to improve public transport in the area.

Bus layover

Project information


We propose to build a bus layover on Talavera Road near the corner with Culloden Road, Macquarie Park.

The proposed bus layover will provide facilities for drivers, such as a meal room and toilet where drivers will have recovery time and park (up to 20) buses between services.

The proposed layover on Talavera Road near the corner with Culloden Road will mean that drivers can take their designated breaks close to their last stop and not have to travel back to the depot. This will help increase the efficiency of the bus network.

Proposed bus layover on Talavera Road, Macquarie Park


Moving the bus layover and parking from Herring Road to Talavera Road will improve bus reliability and amenity at the precinct and interchange on Herring Road.

This will allow for a significant public domain space on Herring Road, with mature trees, seating, public art and a diverse range of civic spaces. 

Next steps

After the end of the REF display period (Thursday 8 September 2022), a submissions report will be created. The submissions report summaries comments and questions received, and our responses.

We will notify the community when the submissions report will be available online.

Community information

Have your say/Survey

We have prepared a REF (Review of Environmental Factors) which examines the potential social and environmental impacts of the proposed bus interchange and bus layover improvements.

The REF process allows the project team to identify ways in which these potential impacts can be minimised and managed in the community's best interests.

The REF display is an opportunity for the community to be informed about the environmental assessments and share your knowledge and feedback.

The bus interchange and layover REF is on public exhibition and submissions are open until 5pm Thursday 8 September. You can read the REF document and the Community Update in the Project Documents list below.

You can also visit our Virtual Engagement Room to:

  • view and read the REF
  • Read our factsheet and FAQs
  • Watch the project video
  • Look at visual before/after images
  • Have Your Say on the REF

Visit the Macquarie Park Precinct and Bus Interchange upgrade Virtual Engagement Room

You can also ask questions and provide REF comment via the Contact US details below

Info session 1pm Wednesday 24 August

We will hold an online community information session so you can find out more about the REF from the

project team and ask questions about the proposed Macquarie Park Precinct and Bus Interchange.

When: Wednesday 24 August 2022 from 1pm to 1.40pm

Where: on Microsoft Teams (we will send you the link after you register below)

Unable to join us: a recording will be available here on our webpage.

Email:Macquarie.Park@transport.nsw.gov.au us to register for the REF Info Session.

Project documents

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If you are having trouble accessing information in these documents, please contact us.


Project notifications

REF documents

Contact us

For further information please contact our project team:

Phone: 1800 565 902


Mail: Macquarie Park Precinct, PO Box 973, Parramatta, NSW 2124