Managing heritage during infrastructure developments

Managing heritage during infrastructure developments

Investigations undertaken for environmental assessments normally include a detailed site history and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal archaeological surveys.

The results of these surveys and any more detailed research such as further archaeological salvage work are made available on each project's page.

Heritage Management Principles: examples from road construction

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has produced an awareness video for staff and contractors on the requirements for managing heritage during road construction and maintenance activities.

Managing non-Aboriginal sites and places

The TfNSW Heritage Committee provides a valuable source of technical and stakeholder advice to support in-house specialists.

Beginning more than 30 years ago as a joint committee with the National Trust to advise on timber truss bridges, the committee includes staff with decades of practical knowledge in their fields, as well as representatives from the National Trust, Engineers Australia, Office of Environment and Heritage, Royal Australian Historical Society and the University of Sydney.

Find out more about the Heritage Committee.

Managing Aboriginal sites and places

TfNSW protects Aboriginal heritage and manages impacts that may arise from development.

It is managed in accordance with the TfNSW Procedure for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation and Investigation (PACHCI). This sets out a four step due diligence and consultation process that is applied to all projects, regardless of scale or size.

The PACHCI ensures that TfNSW meets its legislative responsibilities in a timely, practical and culturally sensitive manner.

This process ensures that the views of Aboriginal people regarding their cultural heritage matters are considered and respected during project development and implementation.

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal items that been found during the course of work are reported using the TfNSW Unexpected Finds procedure.

The results of these surveys and any more detailed research such as further archaeological salvage work are made available on each project's page.

Documents and resources

Aboriginal cultural heritage