Crowdy Head Boat Harbour Upgrade


Project overview

The NSW Government is delivering major improvements to maritime infrastructure and facilities statewide, to help the boating and wider community safely access, use and navigate our inland and coastal waters.

Crowdy Head Boat Harbour Upgrade

Latest news

Feb 2024 – Planning approval received and Submissions Report released

In June 2022, Transport for NSW invited the community and stakeholders to have their say on the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Crowdy Head Boat Harbour Upgrade.

We’d like to thank the community for the feedback we received during the public display period.

In response to submissions received, Transport has made the following changes to the design:

  • increased dredging area to take into consideration the area near the boat ramp
  • a design for a replacement fishing platform has been developed and we are exploring additional funding options to enable this to be incorporated
  • updated structural details following detailed engineering study.

You can read a summary of the feedback we received and our responses in the Submissions Report (PDF, 4.68 MB).

Planning approval received and next steps

Planning approval has been received and Transport will take the next steps to progress this project;

  • seek final approvals and licencing for the work
  • review scope options within the approved budget or potentially seek further funding
  • seek tenders for a Principal Contractor to construct the work

Construction is expected to begin in mid to late 2024 and take about 10 months to complete (conditions permitting).

For older news please visit our news archive.

Project information

Project background

In December 2020, the NSW Government announced $2 million of maritime stimulus funding to replace the Crowdy Head Boat Harbour jetty.

Crowdy Head Boat Harbour is an important harbour on the mid north coast for boat users, as it is a safe and accessible with no river mouth or coastal bars to cross.

The existing infrastructure in the harbour is nearing the end of its useful life and is in need of some major maintenance or should be replaced.

What are we doing?

The objective of the project is to improve safety and accessibility for users of the harbour by upgrading the main harbour jetty (Jetty 1) and removing the decommissioned jetty (Jetty 2).

The proposal and REF considered the following:

  • Removal of the concrete Jetty 1 structure and replacement with a new floating pontoon structure
  • The new Jetty 1 will provide 18 vessel berths serviced with individual water and electricity supply. The concept design accommodates various vessel sizes and includes one temporary or short-term berth to be used for overnight stays or distressed vessels
  • Removal of the already decommissioned Jetty 2
  • Dredging of the harbour to improve navigation and clearance depth for vessels.

Next steps

Transport will take the next steps to progress this project;

  • seek final approvals and licencing for the work
  • review scope options within the approved budget or potentially seek further funding
  • seek tenders for a Principal Contractor to construct the work

Construction is expected to begin in mid to late 2024 and take about 10 months to complete (conditions permitting).


Community information

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Project notifications

Project documents

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Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:

Phone: 1800 973 343


On this page you can find all Maritime projects related to Maritime property and commercial, environmental and ferry wharf upgrade programs.