Dredging Projects


Project overview

Dredging is an important management activity necessary to maintain navigation channels and provide access to maritime infrastructure that are otherwise restricted by natural sand shoaling.

The NSW Government is committed to improve and sustain accessibility to key coastal locations, river entrances and local waterways to support economic growth opportunities through improved navigation.

We deliver dredging project in NSW that have been outlined in key investment and priority regional locations as outlined in the  NSW Coastal Dredging Strategy.

Funding is also available to councils for regional dredging projects via the NSW Boating Access Dredging Program.

You can find out more about the dredging projects that we are delivering on this page.

Project information


While dredging is not a legislative responsibility, the NSW Government is committed to improve and sustain accessibility to key coastal locations, river entrances and local waterways to support economic growth opportunities through improved navigation for commercial and recreational vessels as outlined in the NSW Coastal Dredging Strategy.

Dredging is an important management activity necessary to maintain navigation channels and provide access to maritime infrastructure that are otherwise restricted by natural sand shoaling. A well-managed statewide dredging approach can economically provide navigational and other benefits such as flood mitigation, sand for beach nourishment and help conserve water quality within our estuaries.


Waterways are the lifeblood of many regional communities and are the basis for recreation, tourism and commercial fishing and aquaculture. With increasing demand for boating and water-based tourism experiences, dredging can deliver:

  • improved navigation and greater commercial, recreational and tourism experiences
  • accessibility and increased investment to local waterways, boating infrastructure and facilities
  • flood mitigation, improved public amenity and waterway conditions
  • improved water flows for healthy estuaries
  • use of dredged sand for beach nourishment especially at locations susceptible to coastal erosion
  • flow-on benefits for local economies by increasing coastal tourism and commercial opportunities.

Dredging Projects

Contact us

For further information about this project, please contact:

Phone: 1800 271 100

Email: dredging@transport.nsw.gov.au