SmartNSW guides and tools

As part of our commitment to supporting capability and delivery of smart places across NSW, we’re delivering technical guidance, tools and resources.

These will help you harness the power of data and smart technologies and deliver smart places that are liveable, economically vibrant and sustainable. 

These resources and technical guides should be read in conjunction with the relevant standards and legislative requirements.

NSW Smart Public Spaces Guide

This guide introduces the role of technology in delivering better public space outcomes for communities. 

NSW Smart Places Playbook 

The NSW Smart Places Playbook provides more information on the steps needed to harness the power of data and smart technologies to deliver more resilient places that respond to the community’s needs. The playbook also includes helpful links to technical guidelines, policies and standards.

Data for Places – A practitioner’s guide  

This resource helps practitioners or place owners understand the application of data in the management and monitoring of place.

Generic Development Control Plan (DCP)   

This generic DCP document will help planners and place owners integrate smart places principles in relevant planning instruments. 

Technical Guidance – Smart Places Design 

This technical guide introduces the role of technology and data in delivering better place outcomes.

Technical Guidance – Smart technology to understand how people use public spaces 

This technical guide provides an overview of the different technologies and methods for collecting data on how people use public spaces. Information includes key considerations for the planning, deployment and use of data. 

Technical Guidance – Digital Infrastructure Requirements

This technical guide explains common terms, approaches and proposed treatments for embedding enabling digital infrastructure.

Technical Guidance − Digital Plumbing and Multi-Function Poles 

This technical guide outlines the proposed deployment of multi-function poles in public spaces to support place-based requirements.

Technical Guidance – Cataloguing Assets

This technical guide outlines an approach to cataloguing information on assets in smart places. It will establish foundations to maximise the deployment of digital connectivity, reduce construction and street clutter and leverage commercial opportunities.

Technical Guidance – Developing Places

This technical guide outlines the proposed treatments for the application of digital infrastructure to different place types. It includes general treatments for greenfield and brownfield/infill, as well as public open spaces, data-intensive industrial areas, and central business and commercial precincts.  

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