Environmental assessment - Foxground and Berry bypass


Project overview

The Foxground and Berry bypass has opened to traffic. It provides a four-lane highway (two lanes in each direction) with median separation for 12.5 kilometres of the Princes Highway between Toolijooa Road and just south of Andersons Lane.

Project information


The Foxground and Berry bypass, Princes Highway upgrade has been approved by the NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure. The project has been assessed as a transitional project under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). The Minister's conditions of approval have been provided to Roads and Maritime Services to guide the detailed design, construction and operation of the project.

Project documentation prepared for the environmental assessment of the Foxground and Berry bypass can be viewed on the FBB project documents page.

Minister's conditions of approval

The Minister's Conditions of Approval provide requirements that Roads and Maritime and any of its contractors must comply with during the detailed design, construction and operation of the project. Some of the key conditions include:

  • A Community Communication Strategy detailing communication between Roads and Maritime, its contractors, key stakeholders and community members
  • A project information telephone, email and postal address during construction for community enquiries and concerns
  • Preparing a Construction Environmental Management Plan, outlining the environmental management practices and procedures to be followed during construction including: noise and vibration; traffic and access; soil and water quality; spoil management; air quality and dust management; Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal heritage.

Submissions report

In November 2012, the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure displayed the environmental assessment for the Foxground and Berry bypass and over 250 submissions were received from the community, interest groups and stakeholders. Issues raised in the submissions have been addressed by Roads and Maritime and responses are provided in a submissions report. Questions asked by the community on the submissions report are on the frequently asked questions page.
