Road Network Performance Reviews

Transport for NSW regularly reviews the performance of the traffic network before, during and after major road projects are opened.

The reviews help Transport identify areas for further improvement and to support the integration of major road projects into the broader transport network. 

Transport has carried out reviews of different stages of the WestConnex Motorway network and the NorthConnex motorway. Future reviews will look at Sydney Gateway and M6 Motorway networks (due to open in 2024 and late-2025, respectively). 

WestConnex road network performance review plans

Transport for NSW is required to prepare road network performance review plans for WestConnex Motorway stages:

  • M4 Widening (Stage 1A)
  • M4 East (Stage 1B)
  • M8 Motorway (Stage 2)
  • M4 and M8 extension tunnels and Rozelle Interchange (stages 3A and 3B).

The plans analyse how the opening of the motorways has affected travel behaviour, safety and intersection performance on surrounding roads.

Each review starts with the collection of data at key surface road intersections before the motorway stage opens. Transport then returns within 12-months and five-year intervals to collect new data. Transport analyses this data to determine how the road network is performing after the motorway stage opens and if and where changes are required. 

Plans are completed in consultation with local councils and are submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment (as required under motorway conditions of approval). 

The plans aim to: 

  • identify locations where the performance of the adjoining road network has improved or declined since the motorway opening
  • identify potential projects to improve the efficiency of the road network 
  • support the integration of the new motorway into the broader transport network.

WestConnex road network performance plans - frequently asked questions

Why does Transport prepare road network performance review plans?

Transport is required to prepare road network performance review plans for each of the WestConnex motorway stages. The plans analyse how the opening of the motorways has affected travel behaviour, safety and intersection performance on surrounding roads. The plans also outline traffic improvements that can be considered to address these changes.  

How does the process work? 

Each of the reviews are based on data collected before a motorway stage opening and then compared to data collected 12 months after the stage opens. The 12-month period allows time for drivers to become accustomed to the new traffic conditions. 

Transport also considers the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions on the data collected during 2020 and 2021.

Transport will consult with local councils and might propose temporary or permanent measures to address issues identified in the reviews. 

Will Transport undertake more reviews for the WestConnex network? 

Reviews will be carried out five years after the opening of each motorway stage to assess performance and identify whether further improvement projects are required.

What about Rozelle Interchange?

Transport carried out a pre-opening review of the road network surrounding Rozelle Interchange as part of the WestConnex Stage 3 Pre-opening Road Network Performance Review Plan.

Additional traffic data is being collected in March 2024 after the opening of Rozelle Interchange as part of a subsequent review, and will be compared to pre-opening data. Transport will consult with local councils and might propose temporary or permanent measures to address issues identified in the review.

The WestConnex Stage 3 post-opening Operational Road Network Performance Review is anticipated to be released in 2025.

Has the public been consulted on the plans? 

Transport consulted with affected councils during the development of the plans. We will consult with the community on any road improvement projects arising from the plans as well as council local traffic committees which have representatives from the local community.

What are the next steps?

Transport is required to submit all plans to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and publish the findings. DPE gives Transport approval to carry out any improvement work identified in the plans. 

Transport develops these projects separately. The community and local councils are consulted during the project development phase.

How WestConnex road network performance review plans are developed


Data review phase

Plans are prepared using data including:

  • changes in traffic volumes and speed
  • crash data
  • queue lengths

Phase 1: Council presentations

Transport shares with councils the data from locations where the adjoining network has improved or declined after the opening of the motorway stage 

Phase 2: Council feedback

Council feedback is collected to help Transport preparate of the plans

Phase 3: Draft prepared for review

Draft plans are presented to councils for further feedback

Plans published and submitted to Department of Environment and Planning

Transport submits the plans to the Department for endorsement; improvement projects are then developed

WestConnex road network performance review plans and consultation reports – completed and in progress

Contact Us

For further information about WestConnex road network performance review plans:

Phone: 1800 684 490
