Supporting documents

The Technology Roadmap supports NSW’s longer term transport vision in Future Transport 2056 and 10 Year Blueprint. You can read more in Transport’s strategies and key plans below:

Related NSW government strategies




Artificial intelligence (AI)Intelligent computer systems that are able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs)Connected vehicles communicate with other vehicles, infrastructure and mobile devices to share information and improve safety and the driving experience. Automated vehicles use robotics, sensors and advanced software to automate one or more elements of driving, such as steering, accelerating or braking to different levels of autonomy.
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)Systems that allow vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure, such as traffic signals, that are fitted with the same system. Drivers then receive alerts about upcoming hazards and traffic signal information. Connected vehicles are part of the C-ITS system.
Digital TwinA digital model of cities and communities which can visualise infrastructure, services and travel patterns in 3D and 4D to facilitate better planning, design and modelling for NSW's future needs.
Edge computingA distributed IT architecture with decentralised processing power, which enables mobile computing and Internet of Things technologies. Data is processed by the device itself or by a local computer or server, rather than being transmitted to a data centre, improving bandwidth, latency, resiliency, and data sovereignty.
Electric vehicles (EVs)Passenger and freight vehicles with an electric motor, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid, hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Intelligent Congestion Management Program (ICMP)Transport for NSW’s multi modal transport management system that provides visibility and situational awareness across all modes of transport on the road network. ICMP supports decision making and improves incident response and clearance times, It proactively manages and minimises congestion, to improve customer journey times, reliability and satisfaction.
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)The application of communication, data processing and electronic technologies for in-vehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure and mode-to-mode systems to improve transport safety and sustainability, manage congestion and improve the performance of transport networks.
Internet of Things (IoT)Network of objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and communications technologies that exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet. IoT systems can deliver more efficient mass transit to increase system capacity and enhance passenger safety and comfort, while lowering costs and risks.
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR)Sensing technology that pulses low-power, eye-safe lasers and measures the time it takes for the laser to complete a round trip between the sensor and a target. The resulting aggregate data provides both spatial location and depth information to identify, classify and track moving objects.
Machine learningA method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.
MicromobilitySmall, lightweight vehicles operating at low speeds typically below 25 km/h and driven by users personally. Includes bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters, electric skateboards, shared bicycles, and electric pedal assisted bicycles.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)A framework for offering a full range of multimodal mobility services that enables customers to plan, book, pay and provide feedback for a full range of mobility services using integrated digital channels, enabling flexible, seamless and personalised services.
Quantum computingA field of developing computer technology based on quantum theory principles, where information can be encoded in new ways that enables significantly greater computing power to process exponentially more data than classical computers. Useful where large volumes of data require processing at super-fast speeds, such as with artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Radio-frequency identification (RFID)An RFID system uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects and consists of a tiny radio transponder, a radio receiver and a transmitter. When triggered by a nearby RFID reader device, the tag transmits digital data back to the reader, enabling tracking without contact.
Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS)Transport for NSW’s intelligent adaptive traffic management system that synchronises traffic signals to optimise traffic flow across a city, region or corridor. It allows for the implementation of complex, objective-oriented, traffic management strategies and includes a priority engine to provide efficient journeys for public transport, emergency vehicles and freight.
Virtual reality (VR)Computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.
Zero-emissions buses (ZEBs)Buses powered by battery or hydrogen fuel cell electric motors, with zero tailpipe emissions.